In-Home Care Services to be Covered by Medicare Advantage Plans

On April 2, 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final Call Letter announcing expansion services covered by Medicare Advantage plans. Beginning in 2019, for the first time, Medicare Advantage benefits will include non-skilled home care services.

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How MA Plans are Reducing Readmissions

How savvy Medicare Advantage (MA) planners have stayed ahead of the curve and have found innovative ways to reduce hospital readmissions.

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Why Medicare Advantage Plans are Growing in Popularity

In the wake the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that placed various limits on Medicare Advantage (MA) managed care plans, enrollments have been steadily increasing. Today, one in three Medicare beneficiaries is enrolled in an MA plan. What explains this paradox?

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7 Ways Money Gets Wasted in Healthcare

According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), wasteful spending is pervasive in the US and its magnitude is increasing every year. The sources of healthcare wasteful spending can be classified in at least seven categories.

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Why Most Patients Leave a SNF After 20 Days

The best way to lower total medical costs today is to leverage the home as an integral part of a post-acute care plan.

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Medicaid Block Grants: The Impact on Vulnerable Children

If we want our society to ensure a healthy workforce, the implications of healthcare reform on vulnerable populations cannot be glossed over.

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Outsourcing: A Strategic Tool for Health Plans

Health plans are increasingly focusing on their core competencies and are turning to outside experts to handle their mid- and back-office functions.

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Fraud, Waste and Abuse: The Basics

Take a look to see the different ways that fraud, waste and abuse can happen to you.

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What Does a Hospital Care Coordinator Do?

From beginning to end find out what it is a Hospital Care Coordinator does for the hospital and for the patient.

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