LTC Interventions Help Improve Quality of Life

Loneliness and social isolation, the complete or near-complete lack of contact between an individual and society, can be acutely troublesome for seniors. That is particularly true for those who are experiencing a serious or advanced illness, where symptoms and impaired mobility make the effort required to socialize with friends and family challenging.

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Coverage of Social Determinants of Health Have Implications for SNFs

Health disparities and complex social determinants of health (SDoH) have historically compromised patient access to quality care. But policy changes announced recently from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are expected to mitigate these challenges.

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Symbiosis of Specialized Population Health and Systemized Palliative Care

One of the most notable synergies in this current healthcare environment is the growing complement between two disciplines: population health, which focuses on improving the health of populations, with a special emphasis on reducing disparities in health outcomes and improving the value of health care, and palliative care, which focuses on improving the quality of life for patients and families facing the challenges of a serious or advanced illness.

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Digital Collaboration Can Improve Palliative Care

Feeling lonely and isolated from friends, family and familiar places is more than simply an emotional quagmire for millions of Americans.

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What is Palliative Care?

Hospice and palliative care are often conflated, but there are important differences between them. Understanding these differences can help individuals and their caregivers choose appropriate treatment options.

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Palliative Care and Hospice: Understanding the Differences

Disproportionate spending on the care of individuals as they approach the end of life is an issue that is generating significant discussion among legislators, healthcare payers and the private sectors.

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What is a Vulnerable Population in Healthcare? What is a Vulnerable Population in Healthcare?

What is a Vulnerable Population in Healthcare?

It is important that resources be made available to vulnerable populations, but no one should be forced to accept “help” when help is not sought.

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Americans Need Advance Directives to Ensure Personal Health Care Goals at End-of-Life

Completing advance directives (ADs) — legal documents that instruct physicians on how to carry out medical decisions – is one of the most important things that every adult, regardless of age or health status, should do. This is a person’s best way of ensuring that their wishes for end-of-life care will be carried out.

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