Staffing Shortage in Home Health Industry: Workforce Crisis in Years to Come

Within the home health space, many of the current open home health employment opportunities involve very labor-intensive work for little pay, which trend analysts forecast could result in detrimental staffing shortages.

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Virtual Skilled Nursing & Physical Therapy: What is possible?

The home is becoming the center of care. Services that have been traditionally offered only in doctors’ offices and hospitals are now being delivered directly to patients where they live.

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How AI and Machine Learning Tools Can Help Identify Social Determinants of Health How AI and Machine Learning Tools Can Help Identify Social Determinants of Health

How AI and Machine Learning Tools Can Help Identify Social Determinants of Health

How remote monitoring tools and tele-health services are proving their value in helping post-acute care providers deliver improved results.

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The Future of Healthcare is in the Home

Redirecting care from long-term care facilities to the home would generate significant savings while improving clinical outcomes and increasing patient satisfaction.

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Why Dialysis Is Heading Home

As the number of CKD patients continues to grow, so does the need for home dialysis.

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Improving Management of Infused Specialty Medications

Highlighting the 4 steps that health plans can take to create an effective infused medication management strategy.

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Three Key Concepts for Improving Hospital Discharges Three Key Concepts for Improving Hospital Discharges

Three Key Concepts for Improving Hospital Discharges

Most hospital discharge processes can be improved, as evidenced by readmission rates that remain too high, which are the result of confusion many patients and families face after leaving the hospital. Three relatively simple ideas can reshape the hospital discharge process and increase the likelihood of successful transitions of care.

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Cancer Care at Home

Nothing diminishes the seriousness of a cancer diagnosis, but does it really have to come with endless shuttling from hospital to home to physical therapy to home, and so on? No, it doesn’t.

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The Future of High-Value Home Care

Helping patients return home after being discharged from the hospital seems like it should be easy, but it’s often not.  The use of home care as safe and reliable benefit option is often misunderstood and coordinating the services needed in the home can be a challenge.  Learn more about this topic by downloading our webinar summary slides now.

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The ABC’s of DME

DME is essentially medical equipment paid for by an insurance company. The category includes those items that would be covered by Medicare or other third-party payers. Accordingly, DME requires a physician to write a prescription for the equipment, and a certified supplier must accept the patient’s insurance.

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Identifying and Managing the Social Determinants of Health

Health may happen in neighborhoods, but it is essential to remember that neighborhoods include homes where many residents live alone. Helping those residents live healthier lives may be as simple as visiting them at home.

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The Impact of Home Care on Emergency Room Visits

In a large study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in April 2018, investigators found that patients receiving home care nursing visits were more likely to go to the emergency room after 5 pm on the day of a nursing visit than they would have been had there not been a home visit.

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