Ashley Young serves as Chief Actuary and VP of Medical Economics at CareCentrix. Ashley has 20 years of experience in the field of medical economics and issues related to efficiency, effectiveness, value, and behavior in the production and consumption of healthcare. In her role as Chief Actuary and VP of Medical Economics, she is responsible for medical economics, pricing, and underwriting.
Prior to CareCentrix, Ashley was the Qualified Reserving Actuary at WellCare Health Plans, Inc. in Tampa. She was responsible for reserving, forecasting, Medicaid pricing and rate setting, as well as RFP pricing and proforma development. Before Wellcare, Ashley was an actuary at one of Florida’s leading health plans, Florida Blue.
Ashley holds a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics with a minor in Statistics from the University of Florida. She is designated by the Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA) and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA).