Fragmentation vs. Care Coordination – Technology to the Rescue!

True coordination of care has a few common characteristics. It is timely, effective, efficient, and most importantly, coordinated care is patient-centered.

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What Does a Hospital Care Coordinator Do?

From beginning to end find out what it is a Hospital Care Coordinator does for the hospital and for the patient.

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7 Little Known Benefits of Home Health Care

Learn about these 7 little known benefits of receiving care at home that you should know about.

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PAC Site Neutral Payments – Good, But No Silver Bullet

Until acute care and post acute care services are aligned in an episode based payment model, the full value of PAC management will not be achieved.

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Planning Your Home Health Care After Surgery

Home care can be an excellent choice for individuals recovering from intensive joint replacement surgeries, as patients can take an active role in recovery.

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Sleeping Soundly: My CPAP Therapy Experience

For anyone struggling with getting used to CPAP therapy, I encourage you to keep trying so that you can experience its benefits.

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An Open Letter to the Next President of the USA

Every election is a new beginning and America is more than ready for a new beginning in health care. Now is the time for bold bipartisan health care reform. 

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